We are honored to have supplied our simultaneous interpreting services to the inaugural Latino-Gulf Business Opportunities Summit. Organized by the Federation of Chambers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (FGCCC) and Elite MAF Events & Exhibition, the four-day summit hosted various UAE Ambassadors from Latin American countries, envoys of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the UAE, and UAE business pioneers. The diplomats and businessmen gathered at Atlantis the Palm Hotel in Dubai to discuss the role of Latin America in the international economy. Keynote addresses were made by Mr. Sebastian Piñera, the former President of the Republic of Chile; Mr. Jean Paul Tarred K., the Ambassador of Chile to the UAE; and Mr. Abdulrahim al Naqi, the Secretary General of FGCCC. The speaker’s remarks focused on future business opportunities, encouraging further economic cooperation between the two regions. They also touched upon the already successful ventures between Chile and the UAE. The summit, which was held from the 16th to the 19th of May, also featured discussions about the overall business and investment strategies, the role of renewable energy in the two regions, logistics investments, agriculture and farming systems, and legal and regulatory systems.
The goal of the summit was to illustrate possible business endeavors for the two regions, as well as to encourage the continuation of such gatherings in the future. To help FGCCC and Elite communicate this, we provided four simultaneous interpreters. Two of our interpreters would translate speeches from Arabic to English and the other two translated from English to Spanish. At other times in the summit, the interpreters also translated from Spanish to English and English to Arabic. Thus, the audience could listen to each speech, presentation and discussion during the summit in their language of choice and with only a slight delay. The interpreters delivered their translations from our company-provided soundproof booth. At the same time, the audience listened through our personal headsets with infrared earphones. We also provided the summit our full conference equipment and one of our skilled technicians to accompany the technology.
The Latino-Gulf Business Opportunities Summit required a unique interpretation service, in that they needed real-time Spanish, English and Arabic translations. Performing translations in multiple languages and translating off of another interpreters translation of the original speech demands a lot of concentration and skill from the interpreters. It also demands a tight-knit group of interpreters with great teamwork skills. At Langpros, we are proud of our great team of professional interpreters. And we are pleased to have helped make the Latino-Gulf Business Opportunities Summit a success.